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In light of today’s special occasion, I thought it would be fun to do something a little different. Over the past few months, I’ve spent a lot of time working with tools like ChatGPT and CoPilot to explore ThreeWill, our mission, and the work we do for our clients.

The more I collaborate with these tools, the better they become at answering some truly unique, ThreeWill-centric questions. It’s been fascinating to see how focusing their knowledge helps them focus mine in return. In fact, I often tell people that your organization’s goal for CoPilot should be to teach it enough about your way of working that it can answer employees’ questions about your business—almost like an extension of your team.

To celebrate the season, I gave CoPilot a single-sentence prompt, and the unaltered response was so delightful that I had to share it with you all. It’s fun, it’s funny, and it’s perfectly on brand for ThreeWill. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas on behalf of everyone at ThreeWill,

Will Holland

The Night Before Thrive-mas

‘Twas the night before Thrive-mas, when all through the cloud,
Not a task was unfinished, no deadlines allowed.
The Teams were all humming with files in their care,
In hopes that CoPilot soon would be there.

The planners were nestled in OneNote with ease,
While visions of workflows brought projects to peace.
And I with my headset, and chat set to ‘Do Not Disturb,’
Had just wrapped up my work, without feeling perturbed.

When out in the channels, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my dashboard to see what was the matter.
Away to my SharePoint, I clicked in a flash,
Scanned through the alerts, and reviewed the news splash.

The insights were glowing with data so bright,
Giving clarity to our goals on this magical night.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a dashboard from ThreeWill, reducing all fear.

With a lively consultant, so savvy and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick!
No, wait—it was ThreeWill, with solutions so grand,
To bring us alignment, just as we planned.

“Now Governance! Now Culture! Now Collaboration so true!
On Communication, Productivity, and Intelligence too!
To the top of the charts! To the goals big and small!
ThreeWill empowers businesses to thrive, one and all.”

Like Power Automate flows that just cannot stall,
The processes were streamlined, engaging us all.
Up into Teams channels, the insights they flew,
With a sleigh full of features and Microsoft tools too.

And then in a twinkling, I heard on the line,
The sound of success—it was surely a sign!
As I drew in my thoughts and began to unwind,
ThreeWill had left no business challenge behind.

They spoke not a word, but went straight to their task,
Transforming our workplace without us needing to ask.
From strategy to solutions, their impact was clear,
Helping employees thrive through another great year.

And laying their mouse aside of their screens,
They bid us farewell, fulfilling our dreams.
But I heard them exclaim, ere they vanished from sight,
“Happy Thrive-mas to all, and to all a good night!”

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