Category: Articles

When a file migration isn't just a file share migration?

When a file migration isn’t just a file share migration?

Does your organization struggle with any of the following file share challenges? Finding the content you are looking for in your file shares is challenging. Colleagues can’t find the information they need to complete their work; and even worse, they know specific documentation is out there but they can’t find it in the file share folders. IT is responsible for the security of the file share content but they don’t have full access to and control over all the content stored in the file shares. Governance requirements are difficult to meet and maintain for the file share content. Tracking file
Three Essential Steps to Managing the Power Platform

Three Essential Steps to Managing the Power Platform

Microsoft’s Power Platform is a suite of powerful “low-code” tools that any licensed Microsoft 365 user can use to create apps, automated processes, data-driven reports, and more. It is considered a Software as a Service (or SaaS) solution, which means that much of the overhead related to maintaining the platform itself is handled by the provider; Microsoft, in this case. While that fact takes a lot of burden off of the organization’s shoulders, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that an enterprise organization could do to help improve the experience of its users. Step 1: Classify Your Microsoft Power
Microsoft Teams Brings All Your Project Collaboration Needs Together

Microsoft Teams Brings All Your Project Collaboration Needs Together

For today’s virtual project teams, efficient communication and collaboration are critical. Within Microsoft Teams, there are a lot of tools to make that happen – instant messaging tools, virtual meeting tools, file sharing tools, project planning tools, and the list goes on. Having all these tools and using them separately in their own environments can make efficient collaboration difficult. That’s where Microsoft Teams, or “Teams”, can really make a positive impact on your project team collaborations. Teams is a one-stop shop, or “hub”, for all/most of your work team collaboration needs. Through a single overall interface, you can: Have 1:1
Luxembourg - Travel is Back!

Luxembourg – Travel is Back!

At ThreeWill, we have embraced online meetings and the use of Microsoft Teams to collaborate with our clients. This typically means that we can meet remotely without the need for in-person meetings. However, nothing beats meeting with clients face-to-face. While most of our clients are in the Southeast United States, we do have several international clients, especially with our Jive Migration service offering. This gave me the opportunity to travel to Luxembourg for two weeks last January (as it did for a co-worker of mine – Kristi Webb – last December). I really enjoyed my time in Luxembourg and getting
Five common types of teams in Microsoft Teams

Five common types of teams in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool for many organizations, providing a centralized platform for communication, collaboration, and teamwork. Teams can be created for a variety of purposes, from departmental collaboration to cross-functional project teams. It turns out that knowing when and why you should be using a team is one of the first challenges new users of Microsoft Teams seem to struggle with. Understanding what types of teams you’ll need is important, as it helps you to establish naming conventions that everyone will come to recognize and associate with the purpose of the team; not to mention that it
Risks & Rewards of low-code and no-code development

Risks & Rewards of low-code and no-code development

Welcome Back Last week, we introduced you to the concept of low-code and no-code development. Go ahead and check it out if you need a refresher. I’ll wait. At the end of that post, we pondered the question “Is it worth it?” Well, let’s take a look at the risks and rewards of both power apps and power automate. via GIPHY Power Apps Risks Limited Customization: Power Apps have certain limitations in terms of customization. While it is possible to create custom applications with Power Apps (click here to see some demos), developers may not be able to achieve the
What does Low-code & No-code mean for my Organization?

What does Low-code & No-code mean for my Organization?

New Buzzwords If you’re reading this post, it’s likely for one of two reasons: you’ve heard the terms low-code or no-code development and you’re wondering what the heck is it about or you’ve never heard of them and you’re still wondering what the heck I mean by it. Either way, let’s set that straight. No-code and low-code development are approaches to software development that allow users to create applications with little or no coding. They typically involve the use of visual tools to create an application or a workflow. Because of this, they can help to bridge the skills gap
Three Signs Your Organization Isn't Using Microsoft Teams Effectively

Three Signs Your Organization Isn’t Using Microsoft Teams Effectively

Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool for organizations, providing a platform for communication, collaboration, and file sharing between users from anywhere in the world. However, like any tool or technology, it's only effective when it's being used correctly. Judging if your organization is making the most out of the platform can be tricky, but it’s important to understand if you want to maximize your ROI potential while simultaneously improving the experience for your workforce. Frequent use of email for internal collaboration The first telltale sign comes to us via your inbox. Teams was designed to bring all your communication and
How can the Power Platform empower my business?

How can the Power Platform empower my business?

This is the second blog in a series of blog posts around the Microsoft Power Platform. Kirk Liemohn led off the series with, "What is the Power Platform?", which provided an introduction to the various tools that make up the Power Platform. Microsoft commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Power Platform premium capabilities. The purpose of this study was to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of Power Platform premium capabilities on their organizations. You can get
What is the Power Platform?

What is the Power Platform?

This is the first part of a series of blog posts around the Microsoft Power Platform. In this post, we provide an introduction to the Power Platform. Stay tuned for subsequent posts on how it adds business value, how to manage/govern your Power Platform solutions, and more! The Microsoft Power Platform is a set of low-code tools that you can use together to create solutions. These solutions are often best suited to help facilitate departmental processes but can certainly be leveraged at the enterprise as well. With a combination of a rich user interface, a powerful workflow engine, and an
What is a Teams Channel Meeting and Why Should I use it?

What is a Teams Channel Meeting and Why Should I use it?

There are a lot of meeting options available in Teams. And there are a number of ways you can schedule a Teams meeting either through the Teams Client or Outlook. I love being in a Teams Chat with an individual and having the ability to call them and share my screen or have them share their screen. Or having a more traditional Teams meeting that is scheduled ahead of time with the ability to use cameras to see everyone and to record the meeting with a transcript in case I want to review it later. Meetings coupled with cameras, recordings,
Three Benefits to Improving Employee Engagement

Three Benefits to Improving Employee Engagement

If you’re considering investing in improving your own organization’s employee engagement levels but aren’t quite sure how it will benefit you and your business, this blog offers three major benefits you could expect as a return on your investment.
What is Teams Enablement and Why is it Important?

What is Teams Enablement and Why is it Important?

“Build it and they will come” sounds very cool and maybe it works when you are building a Field of Dreams, but this mindset is disastrous when it comes to deploying software. “Deploy it and they will use it” doesn’t work. Resistance is inevitable. Most people want to know “What’s in it for me?” before changing their work habits. And then there’s a simple fact that people need to be trained to use something new. There’s nothing more frustrating than being told to use something and not understanding how to use it. I’ve got important work to get done and
What makes an Intranet Intelligent?

What makes an Intranet Intelligent?

What makes an Intranet Intelligent? Thoughts on the difference makers for a quality intranet I have set up dozens of intranets for customers and clients. I have seen both success, failure, and everything in between. In this post, I want to quickly reflect on some of the qualities of an intelligent intranet that can be the difference between thriving and stagnating. In an organization, the intranet is the natural home for a number of things, like announcements, knowledge articles, process documents, etc. Full credit for the original Where Work Gets Done image goes to Brad Grissom and his original post
Three Warning Signs You Need to Improve Your Organization's Employee Experience

Three Warning Signs You Need to Improve Your Organization’s Employee Experience

Are you noticing that your employees just don't seem as invested in their work as they used to be? Are they calling out sick more frequently, or just not putting in the effort they used to? Or maybe they just seem less engaged? If you're seeing any of these warning signs, it might be time to focus on improving your organization's employee engagement. Decreased Productivity If you've noticed a decline in the quality or quantity of your employees' work, it could be a sign that they're feeling disengaged. When people are engaged in their work, they're more likely to put
Maximize the value of Microsoft Teams with a Collaboration Contract

Maximize the value of Microsoft Teams with a Collaboration Contract

Technology, alone, is not enough to solve our collaboration problems.  Microsoft Teams is a great collaboration tool, but a tool in and of itself will not solve the problem if not used properly or in a way that is meaningful to your work peers. So, if we have access to a great collaboration tool, how can we be sure we collaborate effectively to accomplish our team goals? At ThreeWill, we have concluded that we need our organization and our individual teams to come to an agreement on how to collaborate together with Teams, a collaboration contract, to ensure that Microsoft
Top 3 Reasons Why Your Organization Needs Microsoft Teams

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Organization Needs Microsoft Teams

Collaboration is key to the success of any organization. We rely on each other, and we must be able to communicate with each other to accomplish things together. In fact, we believe this so much at ThreeWill that one of our core values is “Better Together”. Sometimes we need to share ideas with each other or communicate a decision. Sometimes we need to share data. Sometimes we need to ask a quick question to an individual or group. Sometimes we need someone to review our work to ensure it is accurate and up to proper standards. Sometimes we need to
Migrating File Shares to the Microsoft Cloud

Migrating File Shares to the Microsoft Cloud

File Shares. What was once a great solution has now become an anchor that most companies are challenged to deal with. Most corporate file shares grew out of control years ago and now you are left with the challenge of what to do with all those files. Truth be told, many of those files have long since outlived their value and may possibly be a liability. However, there are other files that are still being used for reference or are actively being used. Why should I migrate my File Share? Since the introduction of File Shares years ago, technology has